My Big Drop!
What we won’t do in the name of charity, eh? My effort for Comic Relief was to abseil down the centre of our building – had I raised enough money, I was going to do it I drag, but unfortunately (for the starving children, fortunately for me) my overall fundraising didn’t quite hit that target. Still, I raised several hundred pounds for a good cause and got to do something memorable in the process.
Our CEO and his number two came down earlier in the day, dressed as Batman and Robin. Against a backdrop like that, it was hard to make too much of a fool out of myself.

Having done a fair amount of rock climbing when I was in school, I was pretty relaxed about the whole process, and it all went flawlessly (aside from the guy at the top setting up my ropes for a left-handed person!) But two of our secretaries had never done anything like this before and were very scared about the whole thing, no doubt not helped by my comments about plunging headlong into our lobby and becoming the next piece of Damien Hirst installation art.

Aude was concerned on my behalf – she spent most of last night convincing herself that the ropes would fail or that I would somehow otherwise end up in a big, bloody mess at the bottom of the rope. I decided to wear brown trousers, just in case the worst should happen. I’m working on a bid right now for a company that arranges and conducts funerals – I figured they would probably give us a discount as a professional courtesy.

In the end, it was a piece of cake and was all over in a matter of seconds. A great way to spend a Friday afternoon!