
Posts Tagged ‘canterbury’

Since starting my blog, I’ve realised that a picture really is worth a thousand words. And most of the people who read my blog would much rather see a picture than read a thousand words. So I took my camera out today to add a few more pictures, since my last few entries have been heavy on the text but light on the visuals.

Yesterday was a beautiful, warm sunny day. Today promised to be the same, with some very slight scattered cloud. We sat in the garden for lunch, and the weather seemed perfect. So good, in fact, that we decided to get out the Corvette and drive down to the coast for a walk along the beach.

We’d barely made it out of the garage when we spotted the heavy clouds overhead. And despite Aude’s reassurances that it wasn’t going to rain today, ten minutes out of town (with the top down and windscreen wipers that were last used in the ‘70s) it started to sprinkle. Luckily it didn’t get much worse than that, but it still wasn’t ideal beach-walking weather.

Nevertheless, we had a nice long walk down the beach. And took lots of pictures, for those of you who don’t have the attention-span to read the text!

Aude on Deal beach

Aude on Deal beach

Deal beach

Deal beach

Deal beach

Deal beach

Deal beach

Deal beach

A seaside house near Deal beach

A seaside house near Deal beach

After another set of planes, trains and automobiles, we’re safely back home after our trip to New Orleans and Washington. Our return was made slightly more complicated by the large pieces of artwork we acquired in New Orleans.

Both cats were very happy to see us, and seem not to have suffered too much from our absence. One of them left a little ‘present’ on our bed, but otherwise no accidents (or at least none that we’ve discovered).

Earthquake damage was limited to a broken vase which fell off a bookshelf and my shaving mirror in the bathroom.

I’ve got loads of work to catch up on between now and Friday, but I should get some time over the weekend to get more of the photographs edited and onto our website.

I just wanted to wish Maria Grazia a very happy birthday this year as she turns ahem years old. We went over to her place to join her for a glass of champagne and a slice of cake, which is frankly all someone of her age can be expected to handle.

David & MG

David & MG

David & MG

David & MG


Marjory shows off her new look, “Pretty in Pink”

Anne Laure

Anne Laure shows absolutely no evidence of having had a late night at our place the night before…

After fighting with British Airways for her luggage, Dara finally made it down to Canterbury around 3pm yesterday. Looking surprisingly sprightly despite her long flight from the States, we decided to do a little bit of shopping in the afternoon, followed by dinner at home – then out onto the town to celebrate St Patrick’s day in style.

Matt and Dara

Matt and Dara in the back yard, enjoying the unseasonably warm weather we’re having right now


Dara relaxes after a long journey…


Daisy spent most of the weekend looking slightly alarmed


Like all of our favourite guests, Dara has just bought a new camera. There were more flashes than the paparazzi.

Relaxing after dinner

Aude relaxes after dinner


Visits with old friends call for champagne. Matthew happily assumes his role.

We ended up at a local jazz club where we were promised jazz music with an Irish flavour – the only Irish flavour I could find was the Guinness spilled on the floor. After an hour of that, we headed out to our local Cuban bar to catch a little salsa music and a few mojitos – having given up entirely on the Irish theme.

Having lured Dara down here on the basis of a proper Sunday roast, I had to drag myself out of bed this morning to deliver the readies. I bought an entire cow – well, 3kg of cow in any case, so we threw an impromptu dinner party for a few friends to help us eat it all. We locked Daisy out of the kitchen, and she spent the entire two hours we were eating staring through the door at the rib of beef. Poor thing!

Highlights of the meal included me setting fire to a napkin and Aude dousing the table with a pitcher of water. Never let it be said I don’t throw an interesting party.

Also noteworthy was Daisy’s long-running hatred of Dara, the reasons for which we still cannot understand. But there was loads of unprovoked hissing and baring of teeth – most uncharacteristic!


Daisy seems to have reverted to kittenhood.

A rest...

A well-deserved rest after cooking the Sunday roast.

Hard work

Guests are hard work. The girls take a break after a weekend of entertaining.

Christmas is around the corner and the big man himself has decided to come to town. I guess Mrs Claus has been hounding Santa about his diet again, because it would appear that Santa has embraced the organic food movement — at least that’s the only conclusion I can draw for him being at the farmer’s market across the street…

Santa Claus is coming to town

Santa Claus is spotted across the street at the farmer’s market

Then again, he could be having a secret affair with the Fat Woman who sells cakes — our suspicion is that she eats as many as she sells. It seems a plausible theory, although I should highlight that it’s only speculation at this points (just wanted to point that out so I don’t receive letters threatening libel from Claus, Clause and Claws, LLP)

Santa Claus is coming to town

Santa Claus confirms that this little boy is on the “Nice” list…

We’re off to do some last-minute Christmas shopping today, then we’ll pack and head up to spend the night near Heathrow. We’re crossing our fingers for a fog-free morning tomorrow and a painless flight to France.

My parents are on their way home as I write this blog, having spent just over a week here in Canterbury with me. It was a full trip, with sightseeing in the UK, a short day trip to France and Belgium, and lots of time for socialising. It was also the when we broke the news to them about our engagement.

Nick has been working in London for the past few months and Dasha was able to come over to visit him for an extended weekend break. As is the normal custom at my house, we celebrated Thanksgiving on last Saturday of November (because everyone is busy working on Thursday), but this was the first time I’ve had the family around my table for the day. It was really nice, and I managed to get my camera out to snap a few photos of the evening.

Dasha and Nick at Thanksgiving

Dasha & Nick at my place for Thanksgiving


My father, captivated by one of Aude’s stories. A work of fiction, I’m sure…

Mom’s reaction at the ring

My mother notices something on Aude’s finger

Family photo

Ten bucks says that this photo makes it into the famous “Christmas letter” this year…


I’m glad at least one of us is photogenic!


Sorry, Nick, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. You’re beautiful, too…

Mom in the kitchen

Thanksgiving is always a tense time. Those who know me will attest to the fact that I’m a little territorial about my kitchen. Clearly the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree!

Relaxed Mom

A little bit of turkey and stuffing and she’s a docile as a baby…

Mom vs camera

…although no more accommodating of the camera than any of my other friends. Perhaps she’s related to Marjory in a former life?

My parents took lots more photos of the rest of their trip, and if they send me copies I’ll try to post them here this weekend. But at least a few are up – otherwise you’d think I’d fabricated their entire visit.