Visit to Paris

Aude and her mother along the bank of the Seine.

Visit to Paris

Time to play tourist — we visited the city by Bateau Bus

Visit to Paris

Aude’s father gets ready to make a wish as he celebrates his birthday

It’s been a very busy month with visitors. Aude’s parents also came to spend several days with us in May, taking advantage of one of the long holiday weekends. We did all the touristy things, walking all over the city and taking a bateau bus down the Seine.

We also had a great meal at Le Train Bleu.

Pelouse Interdite

Pelouse Interdite

One of the things that I love about France is the selective adherence to the rules. As an Anglo-Saxon, I haven’t quite worked out which rules I need to follow and which I don’t, but this much is clear: not all rules are created equal.

Everyone interprets the tax regulations creatively. Red lights are merely advisory. Pedestrians crossing a crosswalk are regarded more as a challenge than a reason to stop. Entire books have been written about the way the Parisians interpret parking.

In a typically French way, the grass here is marked “Pelouse Interdite” — “Keep off the grass”. And as you can clearly see in the background, no one is taking a blind bit of notice.

Jerome came to spend a weekend with us in Paris recently. We managed to grab a few snaps. I particularly like how Daisy and Calypso managed to work their way into one of the shots.

Daisy, Jerome, Aude and Calypso

Daisy, Jerome, Aude and Calypso

Jerome and Aude

Jerome and Aude

Another set of photographs from a few weeks ago that I haven’t had time to upload yet. In this case, I think I will have to let a picture be worth a thousand words as I haven’t really got time to write much today. Suffice it to say the high-level summary is that:

– Julia isn’t so great with addresses, so we got a nice, long tour of the area before dinner
– Dinner was great

It is a small world — five days later I found myself sitting next to Julia on the Eurostar from London to Paris. What are the odds?

Celebrating Julia's 30th birthday

Celebrating Julia’s 30th birthday

Celebrating Julia's 30th birthday

Celebrating Julia’s 30th birthday

Celebrating Julia's 30th birthday

Celebrating Julia’s 30th birthday

Celebrating Julia's 30th birthday

It’s like the old Corey Hart song: “I Wear My Sunglasses at Night”Not the best look for an evening out, Julia. Sorry.

Celebrating Julia's 30th birthday

When asked whether he had managed to get everyone into the picture, the waiter replied emphatically “Oui!” Which, I suppose, is technically correct. There is a PART of everyone captured in the photo.

Celebrating Julia's 30th birthday

The smiling birthday girl

Celebrating Julia's 30th birthday

Happy birthday to you…Happy birthday to you…Happy birthday, dear Julia…Happy birthday to you!(Mind your eyebrows)

Celebrating Julia's 30th birthday

Celebrating Julia’s 30th birthday

Celebrating Julia's 30th birthday

Celebrating Julia’s 30th birthday

It has taken me ages to get these photos edited and online, but here are a few snaps of our game of boules in the park in late April. Depressingly, it was warmer and sunnier then than it is now.

Boules in Paris

Aude, Karine and Julien prepare for a game of boules with a quick glass of pastis

Boules in Paris

This joke remains as funny as it ever was…

Boules in Paris

Emergency Chinese take-away to stave off the hunger. You need a lot of energy to play boules.

Boules in Paris

Aude surveys the landscape.

Boules in Paris

Julien has more boules than most…

Boules in Paris

Textbook form!

Boules in Paris

The ladies are up…

Boules in Paris

Matthew adopts an unconventional technique…

Boules in Paris

…which proves remarkably effective. Laugh if you will, but we won.

Boules in Paris

The girls are up again…

Boules in Paris

Aude seems pleased with herself…

Boules in Paris

Karine, on the other hand, is a little skeptical.

Boules in Paris

Some serious adjudication going on here to determine the winner. If you need to know who won, I suggest looking at the thumbs.

Aude relaxes in the summer sunshine

Aude relaxes in the summer sunshine

Matt in the sun

Matt in the sun

A five-day weekend to follow a three-day weekend – I am definitely beginning to warm to the French sense of holidays, and the time off has finally given me the chance to dig out a few more photos that I haven’t had the chance to edit yet and get them posted on my blog.

Here are a few from the Jardin du Luxembourg, where we spent several hours baking in the sun a few weekends ago, enjoying the first really warm weekend of the year. This weekend has turned out to be another beautiful one, so we are planning to spend most of it outside. Aude’s father arrived today and spent a few hours with us before heading north to spend a few days with family – he will return later in the week with Aude’s mother to spend a few days with us later in the week.