Finally, a new post!
Time to blow some of the cobwebs off this website and make a new entry or two. Between getting everything ready for the baby at the end of last year and constantly running after the baby since she arrived, I haven’t been able to give this site the attention it needs. That, combined with a relatively light travel schedule last year, means that ‘Where’s Matthew’ has become somewhat neglected, if only because reading that Matthew is ‘at home’ is hardly a compelling prospect.
Tomorrow, it’s off to Fort Worth, Texas for the week.
I’m a well-traveled man, but something tells me that Texas will be more strange and foreign to me than many other distant lands.
1 Response to Finally, a new post!
April 8th, 2013 at 02:52
YAY! I actually visited your site last week on the off chance I missed something. Have a safe trip to DFW.