Knife safety…
Let this be a lesson to you: they ship safety grips with mandolines for a reason. As the article rightly points out, a mandoline is a dangerous utensil and food preparers are required to wear a metal glove on the pushing hand. I also learned that using one without wearing metal gloves or a safety grip is a great way to lose part of your thumb and spend your afternoon in the local hospital’s accident and emergency department.
On the other hand, it did make our barbeque more exciting. The blood added colour and adventure to the afternoon, and a special flavour to the food.
This is another one of those lessons in life that we only learn through experience, and I guess technically I need to move down a rung on the Darwin-o-meter.
The doctor says I’ll be fully recovered in a couple of weeks, with nothing more to show for my pain and suffering than a small scar. And a reluctance to work with sharp objects in the kitchen.
…On the upside, it’s bought me two weeks off doing the dishes!
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2 Responses to Knife safety…
Caron [Visitor]
June 12th, 2006 at 22:06
GOOD GOD, Matt! That’s why they make the safety grip in the first place. You definitely need to step down a rung my man, step down. 🙂
Glad you had a good time otherwise. Sure wish I could be there but alas, I was forced to spend this past week in St Thomas … it was such torture … beautiful beaches, daquiri’s, absolutely unbearable.
I’m so glad to be back at work this week in my office with no window. Not to mention the impending hurricane headed my way. Yippee!
Caron [Visitor]
July 27th, 2006 at 17:51
HEY!!! Give me an update, crazy. What are you up to? I miss my Matt fix!